Note: this business is now non-trading since January 2015, all contact details are now non-functional.

FCAQ Geolotech image
t: +44(0)7700 900700
Services Terms and Conditions image

Terms and Conditions for Preparation, Preservation and Processing of rocks samples

FCAQ Geolotech of 43 Corporation Road, Cardiff, CF11 7AP, United Kingdom hereby set these conditions with regards to the services of Fossil Preparation, Fossil Preservation and Micropalaeontological Services (where applicable). Some or all of these terms and conditions may apply to any particular service.

Carriage of Rock Specimens

FCAQ Geolotech is not responsible for damages caused during the carriage of items of rock, mineral and fossil specimens between ourselves and the client. Damages discovered after carriage by either party will be immediately conveyed to the other party.

Damage to items

Fossil Preparation may be carried out by mechanical and/or chemical preparation techniques. In some circumstances, due to natural features within a specimen, the vibrations may cause damage to the specimen. Should this occur, there will be no charge to the client by FCAQ Geolotech and no claim action against FCAQ Geolotech from the client. A repair may be offered depending on the severity and type of damage, and will only be carried out after confirmation from the client. Any repair action required will be free of charge, unless damage was sustained prior to work commencing on the specified specimen.

Treatment of specimens

Due to the nature of the preparation and preservation work on geological specimens, once work commences on a specimen, it will not be possible for FCAQ Geolotech to return it to the client in the original condition in which it arrived. Once work has commenced, the client will be required to pay for the quoted time, or for time spent during preparation, whichever is the lesser amount. Should the client request work to be ceased, the full amount will still be payable.


It will not normally be possible to return samples sent to FCAQ Geolotech to the client, when a Micropalaeontological analysis is required. The microfossils found within the sample will be put into microslides and these will be returned with any documentation once analysis is complete.

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